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Labiaplasty Beverly Hills

If you happened upon this post, you may be an individual who has concerns about your labia, either physically or emotionally. Many people with labia do not recognize that the irregularity of the labia minora is normal. In my experience, patients in Beverly Hills opt for a labiaplasty surgery for various reasons.

Some people are physically bothered by the shape, length, or protrusion of the labia minora in their everyday lives. Others may feel embarrassed or that they want their labia to look a certain way, either for their own desires or because of the comments or expectations of a partner.

The Labiaplasty

Labiaplasty is a cosmetic surgery that is used to cut away excess tissue from the labia minora to create a more aesthetically pleasing outward appearance by reshaping the labia minora. You may consider a labiaplasty for cosmetic reasons, intimacy concerns, or to rectify discomfort. 

I have had patients come to me from various areas in California to request a labiaplasty procedure. In fact, it is the most requested surgery in my practice!

The patients seeking labiaplasty in my Beverly Hills office tend to want the surgery because they are experiencing physical discomfort, such as pain and irritation when sitting, during sexual activity, and while wearing fitted clothing. They have also discussed feeling self-conscious with their intimate partner or when wearing a swimming suit. 

My Approach

The labiaplasty is a surgical procedure, so the decision to move forward is definitely not one to be taken lightly.

There are a number of approaches and techniques to achieve desirable results. I tend to favor the “wedge” technique over the “trim” approach due to the wedge providing the most natural and aesthetically pleasing result for the patient. But, of course, each patient has different needs. So, when it comes to your labiaplasty, I will tailor my approach based on your anatomy and desires. 

In my Beverly Hills office, when it comes to labiaplasty, many patients are given a local anesthetic and are awake during the procedure. The surgery can take from 1.5 to 3.0 hours. This is where your detailed, customized approach comes into play. 

Labiaplasty and You

If you are interested in learning more about labiaplasty in Beverly Hills, contact my office today to schedule your consultation with me. During your consultation, you will have an opportunity to discuss your experience with the excess skin of the labia and how it has impacted your life in a welcoming and private setting. I will ask about your medical and health history and any concerns you may have, including the cost of the surgery, which will be dependent on your treatment plan.

Any and all questions are welcomed, as I want you to feel comfortable with me, the procedure, and whatever decision you make.

From there, I will conduct a physical examination to determine if you would be a candidate for labiaplasty. We will discuss a personalized treatment plan and approach to surgery given your presentation and the results you desire. 

You will be provided with instructions on how to prepare for surgery. This may include smoking cessation, picking up and taking medications I prescribe prior to and/or immediately after surgery, adjusting the dosage or schedule of your routine medications, arranging for someone to drive you home after surgery, or prepping the area through shaving or waxing prior to surgery. 

On the day of your labiaplasty, my anesthesiologist will administer either a local or general anesthesia so you will not feel any pain during surgery. This is to make sure you are comfortable during the procedure.

I will clean the areas I will be working on and will proceed to remove the excess tissue from your labia. The incisions will be closed in a way that maintains functionality while reducing the risk of adverse effects such as fistula development or post-op pain.

After Labiaplasty

Immediately following surgery, you will be able to walk, but I suggest taking several days off from work so you can appropriately heal. During this time, it is recommended that you spend the majority of time laying down, as opposed to sitting.

The labia will be swollen and/or tender after surgery, but with proper care, the discomfort will gradually subside in the coming weeks.

Wearing loose-fitting pants is recommended during the healing process as you do not want to irritate the area or experience more discomfort than is necessary. Also, certain activities should be avoided due to risk of infection, irritation, or reopening the incision sites. I will speak with you about what to avoid and what you can expect post-labiaplasty during the consultation. 


While it is a very common procedure in my Beverly Hills office, labiaplasty is not without risk. Potential risks of the surgery include scarring, changes in sensation, pain, bleeding, and swelling of the labia at the surgery site. Also, since the labia minora are uneven and have irregularities by nature, results may look unnatural when using the trim method. 

I make it my personal mission to work with each patient to ensure their comfort, safety, and satisfaction when they decide to consider me for their labiaplasty in Beverly Hills. 

If you are ready to discuss your options and want to find out more about me and my practice, contact my office today for your Beverly Hills Labiaplasty!