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Breast Augmentation Beverly Hills

You’re standing in a fitting room of a posh Beverly Hills boutique in front of the mirror with your head cocked to the side as you look at yourself in dismay. You are wearing a shirt you thought looked absolutely great on the mannequin you saw when you walked through the entrance of the store. 

“I have to try it on!” you thought to yourself after you found it hanging on the rack. You clench the material in your hands and head to the fitting room in a half sprint. You quickly undress, excited for this amazing shirt to be against your body. You pull it over your head. One arm and then the next. You pull it down by the hem and look up. There you are in the greatest shirt ever made.

You deflate almost immediately. You watch your reflection in the mirror staring back at you, confused and disappointed. The great shirt with the awesome deep-V neckline and perfect silhouette now looks a mess with you in it. Your small breasts are not doing the shirt any justice. Your cleavage is minimal, despite the Bombshell push-up bra you are wearing. The shirt simply drapes over your chest, making you feel like prepubescent you.

You try to adjust what you can; you straighten your posture, you tuck and untuck the shirt, you turn from side to side… Nothing helps how the ill-fitting shirt looks on you.

You close your eyes and let out an audible sigh – the indication that you have admitted defeat against your bust. You slowly take the shirt off and place it on the hook against the wall. You get dressed and leave the fitting room with your head low and your spirit crushed.

Sound familiar?

You may have struggled with the size of your breasts for a while and may have even looked into various ways to increase your bra size. You may have set goals for the new year that included a breast augmentation, but quickly forgot about it because it wasn’t important enough at the time. 

But, I am curious to know, is your self-confidence something to put on the back burner?

I will do my best to provide you with a quick, but comprehensive rundown on breast augmentation in Beverly Hills. My aim is to assist in making you feel comfortable about any decision you choose when it comes to enhancing your appearance. So, sit back, relax, and read on to learn about breast augmentation surgery.

The Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentations are very popular procedures, not only in my Beverly Hills office, but nationwide. Last year, there were over 329,000 breast augmentations performed by board-certified plastic surgeons in the U.S. alone!

Breast augmentation is the physical enhancement of the breasts to increase size, volume, and projection. This can be accomplished through the insertion of silicone or saline breast implants or injection of fat taken from elsewhere on your body.

The ultimate goal of breast augmentation is to increase the size of your bust, while simultaneously making you happier and more confident in your body!

Your Consultation

Once you overcome the initial defeat of seeing yourself not being able to fill out a shirt to your liking and decide that a breast augmentation is for you, you can contact my office to schedule a personal consultation. During the consultation, I will listen closely to your concerns and questions. You will be given the opportunity to discuss your expectations, goals, and desires with me. 

From there, I will ask about your medical and health history and perform a physical examination of your breasts. We will discuss a few implant options such as type, size, shape, texture, profile, location, and incision placement. You will have the opportunity to use sizers to gauge your ideal size after breast augmentation. After this, I will discuss your projected costs. You will be provided with pre-operative instructions, but if you have additional questions prior to your surgery date, please do not hesitate to contact me!

If you are looking to have a Beverly Hills breast augmentation, I am ready and willing to assist you along each step of your aesthetic journey.

Your Beverly Hills Breast Augmentation Surgery

The big day is here!

When you arrive for your surgery, you will be guided into a pre-op room where I will meet with you to discuss your personalized treatment plan. I will mark your breasts with a special surgical marker to identify incision placement, pocket depth, and the medial line. You will then be taken to the OR where you will be prepped for surgery. 

After I do my part in giving you the breast augmentation you’ve always wanted, you will be taken to the recovery room where you will wake up from anesthesia with your new breasts!

After Breast Augmentation

There is some healing that needs to take place after your surgery. Your breasts will be sore and swollen. You will be required to wear a surgical bra to reduce swelling and fluid buildup. You should be able to comfortably return to regular activities a few days after surgery, but strenuous activity should be avoided until after 4-6 weeks post-op.

Breast Augmentation and You

Remember the story about you and the great shirt at the start of this post? Imagine a different narrative that enhances the story to one where you try on the shirt and feel like a million bucks in it! You leave the dressing room smiling from cheek to cheek because you have the satisfaction of knowing the amazing shirt fits you to a T!

You leave the store and wear the shirt to a night out with your family and friends. You finally feel the best you have felt in years and everyone compliments how great you look. Your confidence is through the roof and you have a great night enjoying yourself, looking and feeling just the way you want.

If you are ready to discuss your options and rewrite your story, contact my office today for your Beverly Hills Breast Augmentation!