“Ozempic body” is a condition that occurs when droopy skin affects your body proportions after medically-assisted weight loss from medications like semaglutide (Ozempic, Wegovy) and tirzepatide (Mounjaro, Zepbound). After your skin is stretched by weight changes, you may notice that it is unable to bounce back on its own. The condition can occur after taking any type of weight loss medication and body contouring treatments have become increasingly popular to combat it as more adults undergo weight loss to improve their health. Approximately 74% of adults in the United States are overweight, (1) which puts them at an increased risk of developing health conditions such as diabetes, sleep apnea, and cancer. (2) If you are struggling with droopy skin after weight loss, we can help you eliminate it with effective surgical procedures to help you reach your ideal body contour.

Dr. Michael J. Yoo is a board-certified plastic surgeon with decades of experience helping patients transform their figures with customizable procedures. The way you feel about your body matters. Contact our office or call (949) 861-3340 to schedule a consultation at our Newport Beach or Beverly Hills location.

About Ozempic Body

After losing weight, it can be difficult to enjoy your new figure when sagging skin affects your silhouette. Although medically-assisted weight loss programs are effective, rapid weight changes can prevent your skin from bouncing back fully. Semaglutide is a GLP-1 receptor agonist that your body registers as a natural hormone to regulate blood sugar levels and increase feelings of satiety. (3) As a result of accelerating your metabolism, droopy skin is extremely common on the abdomen, back, breasts, and arms.

Folds of skin can chafe uncomfortably beneath your clothing, affecting your confidence, hygiene, and overall comfort. To help patients recover their figures after weight loss, surgeons performed more than 27,000 cosmetic body contouring treatments in 2023 and saw a 10% increase in the popularity of the procedure from the previous year. (4) We can quickly restore your appearance with customizable treatments specifically designed to remove a larger amount of excess skin.

Body Procedures After Massive Weight Loss

Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck is a body contouring procedure that removes excess abdominal skin for a smoother, more athletic-looking midsection. Droopy abdominal skin is very common after weight changes, and we can quickly help you restore your appearance with a customizable procedure. During the treatment, Dr. Yoo will make a thin incision along your underwear line to remove excess tissue and redrape your skin. He can also tighten your abdominal muscles to increase your strength and help you achieve a slimmer appearance. Full recovery from a tummy tuck can take several weeks, but most patients return to work after 1-2 weeks depending on the physical demands of their job. Afterward, you can enjoy a slimmer midsection and smoother appearance.

Breast Lift

Sagging skin on the breasts, or “Ozempic breast” is also common after weight loss which can affect your body proportions and the way you feel about yourself. During a breast lift, Dr. Yoo removes excess skin and lifts the breasts to a higher position for a smoother, more youthful appearance. If you would like to increase the volume of your breasts, we can also perform a breast lift with implants. During the procedure, we will not only remove droopy skin but increase your breast volume for a fuller, perkier appearance. There are several types of discrete incisions Dr. Yoo can make:

  • Crescent: He can make a less invasive incision along the top of the nipple to remove excess skin and lift your breasts.
  • Donut: Dr. Yoo can make a slightly longer incision along the areola for a more comprehensive lift.
  • Lollipop: He can make an incision along the circumference of the areola and a vertical incision that extends from the bottom half of the areola to the inframammary crease to reposition your skin.
  • Anchor: Dr. Yoo can make a vertical incision from the bottom edge of the areola and a horizontal incision along the length of the inframammary crease if you have a significant amount of droopy skin on your breasts.

If you have breast implants that you would like us to remove, we can perform an explant lift to remove them and reposition your breasts for a perkier appearance.

Arm Lift

After weight changes, excess skin on the arms can make it difficult for you to fit into your old clothing. An arm lift is a procedure that removes excess tissue and tightens the skin for a more athletic, youthful appearance. Colloquially known as “bat wings,” droopy skin on the arms that shakes noticeably when you wave or exercise can be uncomfortable. Sun exposure and hormonal changes can also worsen sagging skin. (5)If droopy arm skin is affecting your self-esteem or the way your clothes fit, we can make a thin incision beneath your arms to remove the excess tissue for a smoother, tighter appearance.

Back Lift

Significant weight loss, aging, and genetic factors can result in excess skin on the back that can make you look older than you are. A back lift is a procedure that removes rolls of skin that create an inverted “V” shape. Many patients feel uncomfortable wearing swimsuits and revealing clothing that exposes folds of skin on their backs. During the procedure, Dr. Yoo can make a thin incision along your bra line that you can easily conceal beneath your clothing to remove the droopy tissue for a smoother, more youthful-looking back.

Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL)

A Brazilian butt lift (BBL) is a procedure that increases the volume of your buttocks with a fat transfer for a perkier, curvier appearance. If you recently lost volume in your buttocks, we can restore it with a simple procedure. Volume loss is common after aging or weight changes. During the procedure, we can remove excess fat from one area of your body with liposuction and inject it into the buttocks for a fuller, natural, smoother look. By using your body fat, a BBL not only increases gluteal volume but also contours other areas of your body. The procedure has helped thousands improve the appearance of their buttocks for a curvier physique.

Body Lift After Massive Weight Loss

A body lift after massive weight loss is designed to remove a significant amount of skin from the lower body after weight changes. With a body lift, we can strategically tighten your skin for a smoother, slimmer look. If you have excess skin on the legs, lower back, or abdomen, we can eliminate it with discrete incisions that fade into your skin for a more natural appearance. We can also combine a body lift with liposuction to remove pockets of fat left over from weight loss to help you achieve a smoother physique.

Ozempic Body Treatment Benefits

After an Ozempic body treatment, you can enjoy several benefits including:

  • Enhanced self-confidence: After removing droopy skin, you can enjoy feeling better about your body.
  • Balanced body proportions: Dr. Yoo can rebalance your proportions with post-weight-loss body treatments that remove excess tissue.
  • Improved hygiene: Eliminating excess skin can reduce rashes and skin irritation from droopy folds that can be difficult to clean.
  • Smoother, more athletic figure: You can enjoy a smoother, curvier, and athletic figure after the procedure.
  • Increased mobility: Removing droopy skin can increase your range of motion and make exercise more comfortable.
  • Tighter, stronger abdominal muscles: Tightening your abdominal muscles during a tummy tuck can smooth your midsection and improve your strength.
  • Long-lasting results: You can easily maintain your results with consistent exercise and a healthy diet.
  • Customizable treatment options: Dr. Yoo can adjust your procedure and perform multiple treatments during one surgery to help you feel your best.

Candidates & Consultation

During your consultation, we will discuss your aesthetic goals and any questions you may have about post-Ozempic body contouring. Dr. Yoo will perform a physical exam to determine the best treatment plan for you. It is important, however, that you have realistic expectations about the results we can achieve with the procedure. Suitable candidates are:

  • Able to take good care of their bodies
  • Struggling with a significant amount of droopy skin after weight loss
  • Willing to commit to lifestyle changes such as regular exercise and a healthy diet
  • Within a healthy body mass index (BMI)

Many patients also combine post-weight-loss body contouring with arm or thigh liposuction. To learn more, see our blog or read about liposuction treatment areas.


To prepare for post-weight-loss body contouring treatments, patients will need to:

  • Refrain from smoking approximately 6 weeks before and after their procedure
  • Stop drinking alcohol 24 hours before and after their treatments
  • Cease any medications or supplements that thin the blood
  • Prepare meals ahead of time
  • Pick up prescriptions for your recovery
  • Create a comfortable place in your home to recover
  • Avoid sun exposure that could lead to skin damage before your procedure

Since the procedure is customizable, we can discuss your specific preparation and recovery instructions during your consultation and answer any questions you have.


After a post-Ozempic body treatment, you can enjoy a slimmer figure and a more athletic appearance without excess sagging skin. You can also enjoy long-lasting results if you take good care of your body. Exercising regularly, maintaining a stable weight, and eating healthy meals can help you maintain your appearance. Many patients report an increase in self-esteem and they can more fully enjoy their weight loss achievements.

The Cost of Ozempic Body Treatments in Newport Beach

The cost of an Ozempic body treatment will depend on your personalized treatment plan and whether or not you need multiple procedures to achieve your desired look. We will also assess the severity of your droopy skin and provide an all-inclusive quote to help you meet your body goals.

There is no reason to wait to achieve your dream body, especially when thousands of patients have achieved results with transformative body procedures. Contact our office or call (949) 861-3340 to get started at our Newport Beach or Beverly Hills location.


What causes skin sagging after Ozempic?

Rapid weight loss from GLP-1 medication use can decrease skin elasticity, contributing to sagging.

What is after massive weight loss plastic surgery?

After massive weight loss plastic surgery is a specialized segment of cosmetic surgery aimed at addressing the physical changes that occur following significant weight loss. Many individuals face challenges such as excess skin, sagging fat deposits, and altered body proportions after dropping considerable weight. This surgical approach allows for body contouring procedures designed to remove excess skin and improve the overall shape of the body.

How long will it take to see the results of post-Ozempic body contouring?

Many patients see improvements immediately. As your incisions heal, you can enjoy a significantly smoother physique without areas of excess sagging skin.

Will I have visible scars after post-weight-loss body contouring?

Every effort will be made to place incisions in concealed areas. While some scarring is inevitable, most patients find that they become less noticeable over time with proper care.

Are the results of post-Ozempic body contouring permanent?

Results are long-lasting but weight changes in the future can affect your results.

Will I need to make lifestyle changes after post-Ozempic body contouring?

We recommend exercising regularly and eating nutritious meals. Adopting a physically active lifestyle can help you maintain your results.


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